After installing the virtualbox
package, you won't be able to run VMs until you:
sudo modprobe vboxdrv --force-vermagic
If you don't do this you'll get an error about needing to run /sbin/vboxconfig
as root, but that program doesn't exist.
This solution was found here.
You'll also want to install the virtualbox-guest-iso
package if you're running windows as a guest.
* pacman commands and their dnf, apt, etc, quivalents. (highly useful!)
Searches the repositories to find which package contains a particular file, use the command. This command isn't installed by default on Manjaro. It's in the pkgfile
To install:
sudo pacman -Sy pkgfile sudo pkgfile --update #You'll want to run this if its been a while to (re)build indexes
To find which package contains a command:
pkgfile -vb <file>
Command line arguments
Argument | Description |
-v | Verbose |
-b | Search for binaries |